Foundation Location / Spot Foundation

With an increase of new construction, Foundation location surveys (spot foundation) have become an everyday necessity. Many communities and county agencies request these surveys. This survey collects information about the position of a foundation that a contractor poured to ensure that it is in the right location, height, and built with the proper setbacks. In many cases, the banks and mortgage companies will want a licensed professional land surveyor to certify that the house or building they are backing with a mortgage is built correctly according to zoning setbacks, building setbacks, existing easements, and required heights of the top of the foundation. You may also need this type of survey if you are building an addition to an existing home or structure.

It is critical to make sure the foundation of your new structure is correctly placed for the simple fact that it’s much easier to fix a non-compliant foundation before the concrete pour. To learn more about obtaining an affordable and accurate foundation staking and foundation location survey for your building project, contact Andrew Spiewak Land Surveyor, Inc. today.

Free Surveying Estimate

pdf icon Foundation Location Example

Foundation Location

 pdf iconLayout Diagram Example

Layout Diagram