Park Ridge, IL near O'Hare Office +1 (773) 853-2672 | Roselle, IL Office +1 (630) 351-9489
There are approximately 19,000 permitted signs along controlled routes in Illinois. Outdoor advertising is any sign (from billboard to small banner) that is to be controlled (permitted) by IDOT per Title 92 Illinois Administrative Code Part 522 link Control of Outdoor Advertising Adjacent to Primary and Interstate Highways. Signs along any controlled route, which advertise anything that is not on the same property of the sign, are required to obtain a permit prior to being erected. If a sign is erected without a permit the sign is illegal and must be removed (at the owner's expense). Andrew Spiewak Land Surveyor, Inc. offers our clients surveying services relative to obtaining a permit for Outdoor Advertising Sign. For more information visit the Illinois Department of Transportation Outdoor Advertising
Sample Sign Location Site Plan