Park Ridge, IL near O'Hare Office +1 (773) 853-2672 | Roselle, IL Office +1 (630) 351-9489
An ALTA/NSPS survey is a boundary survey adhering to a set of minimum standards adopted by the American Land Title Association and National Society of Professional Surveyors. An ALTA/NSPS survey is often provided for commercial properties, as it will supply the title company with the information required to insure the title to the land to the highest degree. In addition to the minimum standard detail requirements for ALTA/NSPS land title survey items, optional Table A items are included in the ALTA/NSPS standards. A careful review of the optional survey responsibilities and specifications in "Table A " helps delineate a clear scope of the land surveyor's services.
A client must provide a current title before an ALTA/NSPS survey can be completed and certified. The surveyor will refer to the title commitment for the legal description of the property and other recorded matters related to the survey. The ALTA/NSPS survey's certification language includes the affected parties' names, such as but not limited to the buyer, seller, title company, and lender. The surveyor must work in close association with the title insurance company, as the surveyor and the title company rely on each other's work to show the matters affecting the ownership of the land and improvements in a comprehensive manner.
The survey must also satisfy the particular needs of buyers, lenders, and agents representing all parties when dealing with real estate property.
ALTA/NSPS Standards Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
To obtain an ALTA/NSPS Survey - The client shall request the survey, or arrange for the survey to be requested, and shall provide a written authorization to proceed from the person or entity responsible for paying for the survey. Unless specifically authorized in writing by the insurer, the insurer shall not be responsible for any costs associated with the preparation of the survey. The request must specify that an "ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY" is required and which of the optional items listed in Table A, if any, are to be incorporated. Certain properties or interests in real properties may present issues outside those normally encountered on an ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey (e.g., marinas, campgrounds, mobile home parks; easements, leases, mineral interests, other non-fee simple interests). The scope of work related to surveys of such properties or interests in real properties should be discussed with the client, lender, and insurer, and agreed upon in writing prior to commencing work on the survey. When required, the client shall secure permission for the surveyor to enter upon the property to be surveyed, adjoining properties, or offsite easements.
ALTA/NSPS Land Title Survey Example